
Family: Lamiaceae
Botanical Name: Salvia Officinalis or Salvia Triloba

Qualities: Whole,Sized & Ground

Storage: Must be kept in cool, clean, dry place and away from direct sunshine.

Harp flavored sage herb or garden sage is one of the popular herbs known since ancient Roman times. This legendary herb which holds numerous virtues has long been recognized as the guardian of herbs. Herb sage is an evergreen perennial shrub commonly seen all over the Mediterranean region. Botanically, it belongs to the family of Lamiaceae, in the genus, Salvia. Turer Tarim can supply both Salvia triloba and Silvia Officinalis sage family.

Sage is available in whole, rubbed and ground form. The process is similar to Oregano.


WHOLE 25 kg PVC Sacks 8.500kg 17.000kg
WHOLE 20 lb Paper Bags 6.500kg 12.700kg
BROKEN 50 lb Paper Bags 10.000kg 26.000kg
BROKEN 25 kg Paper Bags 10.000kg 26.000kg


Description Dried Leaves of of Salvia Triloba
Color Greenish Grey
Flavour Aromatic characteristic
Storage Must be kept in cool, clean, dry place and away from direct sunshine.
Shelf Life 24 months